Speaking Languages to Hear Others: Coming Home

By Richard Benton, PhD When people think of learning other languages, images of faraway, exotic landscapes and peoples flood their minds. When they arrive in that distant land, they imagine they will observe those new people before returning home to show photos and recount tales of adventure. I have lived this life, but recently I questioned this purpose. Is travel about bringing home photos and stories? Is it…
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Why 90% of the World’s Languages are Endangered

The modern world has a rich linguistic tapestry, with around 6,500 to 7,000 languages spoken across the planet. There is no fixed figure, as academics dispute whether some are distinct languages or whether they are variations of the same language. However, those in the translation services sector believe the figure to be just shy of…
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Why I Will Definitely Learn the IPA, and Why You Should Too!

I really like the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), as the title of this article clearly states. I mean, I really like it. I think it’s pretty much one of the best things ever. Okay, well maybe that’s an exaggeration but it’s still pretty cool. However, not everyone agrees with me (for reasons beyond my comprehension…). My…
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Languages Around the Globe’s Top 10 Articles of 2015

2015 was a great year for LATG. The Facebook page came in at #17 on Bab.la’s list of top language pages. We’ve seen a considerable rate of growth and engagement and the good times have continued to flow. I’ve compiled a list of the 10 most popular articles from this past year. Combined they’ve been…
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Can You Make a Well Rounded Language Toolkit on $500?

Learning a new language does not by any means have to be an expensive process. There are countless wonderful free language learning products – apps, websites, social media platforms and more – that can help you to round out your studies. While I always advocate affordable language learning products over expensive alternatives, it is still difficult…
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8 Reasons to Stop Being a Monolingual Muggle

So you’re a muggle… I gabbed about learning another language for years, but for some reason never really found the time or built up the motivation to sit down and really get to work. Maybe I didn’t really know how. I thought I had no time. I had taken some classes in high school and…
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