I’m a very disorganized person. More often than not my desk looks like it was hit by a charging rhino and the orderliness of my office isn’t especially far from that of my college dorm rooms. In order to keep my language learning projects organized and the clutter on my desk and in my head…
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Fluency: it’s the elusive goal of any language-learner. But given the seemingly infinite complexities of language, it’s hard to know exactly when we language learners have earned the right to call ourselves “fluent”. The issue is a difficult one: what does it mean, exactly, to speak a foreign language fluently?
In an earlier post about the first steps one should take when starting a new language I mentioned my method of classifying tools into something I like to refer to as primary and secondary language learning strategies. Any language learner who is serious about pursuing their language goals – be they long term or shorter term – needs to pay…
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By Jimmy Monaghan Now that the Internet is capable of providing us with enough language learning materials and applications to keep even the most studious of us busy for years, it can seem unnecessary to actually take classes to learn a new language. Why would anybody pay money to learn something which they can…
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It’s a new year, a clean slate, a fresh start, and I’m just about to begin a brand new major language project: French! In any case; 2014 was a great year for LATG. We went from 8,000 fans to over 20,000 fans on Facebook. Constructed a Twitter account that now has a humble but not…
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    What a year, and damn am I glad it’s over… I don’t usually bother with New Year’s resolutions. This is because I feel that most people make them quite halfheartedly and rarely pursue them as serious goals – thus rendering them little more than cheap topics of discussion at New Year’s Eve parties…
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