Brian Powers

Check out Colango, The Social Network for Language Learners.

Update 2017: Colango no longer appears to exist on any app store. : (   Polyglots and language enthusiasts rejoice! At long last a promising social network for language learners appears to be on the horizon, and the potential for it to grow into something big is real and truly exciting! Colango, a brand new…
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Why I Decided to Give The Pimsleur Approach A Second Chance

A little over two years ago I began studying Russian with The Pimsleur Approach – thus launching my foray into language learning product reviews. In lieu of the company’s horrible advertising campaigns and lofty price tag I was extraordinarily skeptical of the program and didn’t expect much. You can read the original review here for…
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3 Awesome Examples of Tuvan Throat Singing

“World” music is a generally unpopular genre. We tend to gravitate most towards things we understand and can easily relate to. It’s hard for many of us to sit down and actively listen to music in a foreign language because unless we can actually understand it, we can’t associate it with our own lives. For…
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Is Memrise Premium Worth The Price?

Memrise released its premium or “pro” version a while back now but questions regarding its value have continued to circulate ever since. As you may know by now, I’m a pretty big Memrise fan so of course I had to check out the premium version and write you a little review and how-to guide. If…
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10 Reasons Why You Need To Be Using Duolingo

When it comes to free online and mobile language learning programs its hard to find one that trumps Duolingo. What makes it so special? In this article I’ve outlined for you the reasons why you need to be taking advantage of the services Duolingo has to offer! While Duo does come with a few drawbacks…
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Growing Global Impact of Bahasa Indonesia

  Spoken by over 160 million people in Southeastern Asia, Bahasa Indonesia (literally Indonesian language)  can claim a seat amongst the most widely used languages on Earth. So why then, if so many people speak the language, is it so infrequently studied by language learners, never taught in foreign schools and entirely neglected by language…
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