Characteristics of Indian English

by Jovana Čenejac
Ever since the early seventeenth century, when the British East India Company established trading posts in the East Indies and throughout Southern Asia, English has been used widely throughout the region in a number of countries that would rise from the ashes of former Imperial colonies.
So it should come as no surprise that over the intervening centuries, the language has quickly gained importance in the fields of economy, industry, education, as well as in India’s political and social life – particularly among more well-to-do families.
Consequently, the English language became one of 22 official languages of India. 1
At least 400 total languages and hundreds more dialects are spoken throughout the subcontinent.
This infographic, generously provided by Day Translations, offers a more detailed look at some of the languages other than Indian English spoken in India:
In the midst of such linguistic variety, as it often does elsewhere on Earth, English serves as a medium to unite people who do not share the same regional mother tongue. As mentioned above, the English language plays a pivotal role in administration, international communication and its usage enables a much higher degree of technological and scientific progress.
What is Indian English?
The English spoken on the Indian subcontinent has some distinctive characteristics that set it apart from other international varieties of English such as RP (Received Pronunciation) and GA (General American) – better known as British and American English.
These differences arose as a result of a long period during which English was in constant contact with languages spoken natively in India. That period is ongoing. As a result, the variety of English spoken on the subcontinent is frequently called Indian English.
Differences in vocabulary
When it comes to words, English spoken in India has been under the very strong influences of the native languages of the subcontinent, which is reflected in its lexicon.
Many words from Indian native languages have been introduced into the global English language spoken worldwide; some notable examples being jungle, bungalow, punch, shawl, and veranda.
And just as is true with American and British English, there are some words which are unique to speakers from India and instances of misunderstanding are not uncommon. Two examples of Indian English words that non-Indian English speakers probably never encounter include “airdash” which is used for someone who is in a hurry, and “badmash”, another word for a hooligan.
Sometimes, speakers of English in India add a new level of meaning to existing words.
For instance, if a person wears a “hi-tech outfit”, it does not mean that they are equipped with the latest digital gadgets. Instead, a hi-tech outfit stands for fashionable and modern and that follows the latest trends. In other cases, words from the local dialects and languages make their way into Indian English – words that would be unintelligible to no-speakers. Sometimes these words replace the English entirely.
If you hear “achchaain” the middle of a conversation led in English, do not be surprised. It only means good.
Differences in pronunciation
Differences in vocabulary are not the only characteristics that make common communication more difficult between speakers of Indian English and speakers of other forms of English, certain differences in pronunciation further set these styles apart.
Speakers of English in India do not make any difference when it comes to the sound /v/, which is produced using one’s lower lips and top teeth; and sound /w/ in the production of which both lips are used. Also, the two”th” sounds /θ/ and /ð/ are usually replaced by /d/ and /t/.
/ə/ and /ʌ/ most commonly disregarded and replaced by the vowel /a/.
Another characteristic of the sounds used by speakers of English in India is the replacement of two adjacent vowels by a single long vowel followed by /r/sound. So beer becomes /bir/ and pear is pronounced as /per/.
Wherever in the world English goes, it is influenced by the local languages. It borrows from other tongues, absorbing and using certain vocabulary. Meaning changes, grammar changes – everything changes.
Indian English spoken throughout the Subcontinent is vibrant, varies from region to region, and follows its own rules of development. The various dialects of English spoken even within the country underscore the unique languages and cultures of the people who speak them.
You can read a much more thorough explanation of the Indian take on the English language and a ton of fun Indian slang and Bollywood-talk with these titles:
Indian English: Language and Culture (Lonelyplanet).
An English Made in India: How a Foreign Language Became Local
Image by AkshayaPatra Foundation from Pixabay
Jovana Čenejac is an English teacher focusing primarily in phonology and accents. She currently works on developing curricula for pronunciation software that is intended to help English students all over the world improve this critical skill.
7 Responses
I appreciate language learning experiences. The fact that i read so much, and so profoundly, demonstrates the high level of your English.
ielts writing
It is really an ideal thing that our children will have to learn all the basics of English language. It’s because, this is the most number one thing that we will have to use for further communication.
band 8
Dear Adi Rajan,
I agree with you that this is a topic that requires covering
several aspects such as sociocultural, historical and linguistic. But I’m afraid that neither time nor space let me cover it in a greater detail.
As far as my comment on following particular standards in
pronunciation is concerned, this is something I’ve learned from my experience.
Despite the fact that teachers encourage international Englishes and regional pronunciation, students still feel uncomfortable about them, especially when they interact with native speakers.
Their lack of confidence can leave a huge psychological impact on them and further influence the development of other language skills. English is indeed a lingua franca, and we should celebrate the diversity, hence the article; but unfortunately, accent is still an important factor in defining social identity.
A point to note on the pronunciation differences you’ve shared. /θ/ and /ð are not replaced by /t/ and /d/ in most Indian languages. They are conflated with /t̪ʰ/ and /d̪ʱ/. In eastern and north-eastern Indian languages, these sounds may be articulated as dental plosives /t̪/ and /d̪/. The description of the conflation of /v/ and /w/ is also oversimplified. Most Indian languages except Bengali have a phoneme /ʋ/ which speakers use in English in place of /v/ and /w/. Bengali does not have /ʋ/, instead it uses /b/. I’m afraid the bit on vowel sounds is also not entirely accurate. Additionally, any description of the phonology of Indian English is incomplete without discussing retroflex sounds.
And I must disagree with “However, in order to maintain proper communication and transmit the message in a correct manner, I believe that every speaker should try following the rules of the target language at least when it comes to pronunciation.”
Are you aware of Jennifer Jenkins’ extensive phonological research in English as a Lingua Franca?
I’m afraid this is a little bit of a shallow look at Indian English. You may need to consider issues such as code switching, the use of particles from Indian languages, social differences, idioms, the language of Bollywood and the role of the clerical language of the East India Co. and the Raj to really describe Indian English as it stands today.
Hi, Aloka and BrianJ
Thanks for your comments! I’m glad that we agree that regional languages affect
the nature of English spoken in India… When it comes to the second part of your
comment, vocabulary and pronunciation are just two out of many characteristics
that define Indian English. We could also discuss the role of body language, I’m
sure it plays important part in communication as well as in shaping Indian
English, especially if we bear in mind the differences between the Western and
the Eastern body language etiquettes. Perhaps we could cover this next time,
Brian? Of course, another interesting “shaper” of Indian English is vocabulary
usage. But, can we really observe words without paying attention to the context?
This is why the section is called “vocabulary differences”J
Good question. Trying to see if I can get Jovana to comment, but I think it’s pretty late in Europe right now. 🙂
i wrote a comment and it vanished after i signed in to disqus 🙁 short version: different regional languages affect the accents and pronunciation differently; i always considered the use of badmaash to be an instance of language switching, which is done all the time here (vernacular+hindi+english in all possible combos); i think indian english is defined by usage rather than words: e.g. ‘no?’ for ‘right?’/’isn’t it’? or ‘leave it’ for ‘forget it’/’never mind’