If you want to see serious success with your language learning project, you’re going to have to do everything in your power to alter your day to day environment to be as conducive to second language learning as humanly possible. If you’re learning a language such as Mandarin, Korean or Russian, you may have begun…
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As if I didn’t already love Lingua.ly before, this brand new feature really sealed the deal. The Lingua.ly iOS app has been updated and with it comes one of the most unique and entertaining features I’ve ever seen in a language learning application. I’m speaking of course of the brand new “Snake” game, and if…
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Why are you learning a new language? Looking to score a better job, foster multiculturalism? Maybe even travel the world a bit? These are all great reasons, and there are many, many more, but I can’t helpĀ but feel as though there is one motivator that teachers and learners alike are often loath to even mention:…
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Are you looking for new and different ways to integrate your language learning aspirations with the lifestyle you want to lead? I’ve always been a pretty hardcore PC gamer. I mean to the extent that I’ve probably spent a larger portion of my lifeĀ killing pixellated men, building make believe cities and stealing gold from dragons…
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With so many language learners – or prospective language learners – struggling to “find the time” to learn languages it’s always a heavy burden trying to convince people that learning a language isn’t about having the time, it’s about finding the time; creating it. But once you’ve figured out how to manage your time and…
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Thinking about becoming a translator? Marek Nowak explains in a guest article about why he decided to become a translator and how it has influenced his life and how it might influence yours should this be a path you’re pursuing. ~Brian