Category: Linguistics

Why do Auctioneers Talk so Fast?

Every time we need an example of someone who speaks ridiculously quickly, we tend to turn to auctioneers. These machine-gun-mouthed ramblebots are capable of slinging some serious verbiage in your direction extraordinarily fast. But why do auctioneers talk so fast? According to Slate, this is done in order to keep audiences and potential buyers in…
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Do Women Talk More Than Men?

Ah, yes, the ages old quip about talkative ladies. Drawing the ire of many a woman and the insipid chuckles of many a bro in a popped-collared polo, this is one of those annoying questions you may already have assumed to know the answer to, but that I felt merited addressing anyway: do women talk…
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The Greatest Insults in History, Profanity, and Why We Say Pardon My French

If we define an insult as words or actions that cause offense to a person or group of people, we realize that the nature of an insult is generally subjective and the best insults are essentially impossible to determine. Still, despite these being my list of the best insults in history, I certainly hope that you are entertained and that you learn something.

How Many Words Will You Speak in a Lifetime?

Is there a multiverse beyond our universe? Will we ever discover life on other worlds? Is my dog happy on that farm up-state? These are some of the biggest questions the human race has, throughout the ages, struggled to answer. But perhaps the biggest, most important question of our time: How many words will each…
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10 Weird or Endangered Languages You’ve Never Heard Of

Sometimes it feels like we spend a lot of time talking about languages that everyone knows about. Your biggies. Your French, German, English, Korean etc. But if only a tiny fraction of the world’s languages make up for more than half of it’s population, we must be missing something. Amid these throngs of dominant state…
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International Talk Like a Pirate Day: The Origins O’ Pirate Speak

Avast me hearties! September 19th be International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Talk Like a Pirate Day is a “parody holiday” on which everyone, everywhere, is instructed to, well, talk like a pirate. Go figure. However, it has taken the Internet by storm lately, and the population in general since it was created in 1995.…
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