Brian Powers

The Best Mobile Platforms For Language Learning

The advent of mobile technology has allowed language learners and educators to take their learning and teaching experiences on the go. The potential for easily accessed learning has never been higher but for some reason many – if not most – language learners still don’t take advantage of the devices they carry around with them…
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This Is Why It Takes A Child To Learn Like A Child.

It’s an extraordinarily common misconception that children learn learn languages better than adults. One of the claims made most frequently by language software companies is that their product will help you to learn organically. They claim that you can learn a second language the same way that you acquired your first language, by more or less absorbing…
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8 Commonly Cited Language Learning Excuses And How To Beat Them

The above unattributed graphic that periodically makes its rounds throughout the language community, illustrates somebody’s impression of the top 8 difficulties experienced by those studying new languages. I’m not sure what the original source of these figures might be, but actual statistical accuracy aside these are by far the most common 8 reasons I hear from struggling…
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Misadventures with Rosetta Stone: An Educator’s Perspective

When I write a review I usually approach it from the standpoint of a language learner rather than an educator, but when it comes to Rosetta Stone, I have a little bit more personal experience to offer. Prior to the creation of LATG I worked as the program coordinator for an ESL non-profit called the…
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Threatened Indigenous Voices: Sámi

Lately I’ve been making a big push for endangered and minority language awareness via alternative routes than the stuffy linguistic articles and reports that come out of academia. These are all well and good, but as I wrote in another article recently – this really isn’t the way to get indigenous language issues into the…
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10 Ways to Diversify Your Language Learning Strategy

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times; when it comes to language learning don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. So often I see or hear about prospective language learners seeking out a program such as Rosetta Stone or Pimsleur with the very simple and straight forward notion that…
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