Update Jan 2019** If you’re wondering what happened to WeSpeke, as of about a year ago, the service appears to have stopped offering non-English language learning opportunities, has removed its exchange feature (which was the point, right?) and is now partnered with CNN to offer news-based content for English learners. I’m extremely disappointed. I’ll keep…
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As if I didn’t already love Lingua.ly before, this brand new feature really sealed the deal. The Lingua.ly iOS app has been updated and with it comes one of the most unique and entertaining features I’ve ever seen in a language learning application. I’m speaking of course of the brand new “Snake” game, and if…
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How much money do you spend on language learning products, books, courses or lessons? You want to learn a language, but of course, you don’t really want to spend any more money than you have to either. With so many programs, courses, tutors and other opportunities it can be difficult to decide what the best…
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Why are you learning a new language? Looking to score a better job, foster multiculturalism? Maybe even travel the world a bit? These are all great reasons, and there are many, many more, but I can’t help but feel as though there is one motivator that teachers and learners alike are often loath to even mention:…
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Hanging on to multiple languages in the United States is hard work. English is ubiquitous. People from many countries around the world want to talk to you in English. And English is everywhere as an international lingua franca of business and diplomacy. Most Americans don’t know what the word “polyglot” means, which kind of suggests…
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Most of us would most love to become polyglots or at least very fluent in a certain language. Naturally, becoming a polyglot is no easy task and involves thousands of hours of exposure to input in the target language and/or more formal study. If we look at some of the best-known polyglots in the world…
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