Brian Powers

6 Resources for Learning Less Common Languages

Sometimes it can seem like the world is really only interested in the world’s largest languages. Everyone seems to be learning English or Spanish or German. Sometimes daring individuals attempt craziness like Japanese or Russian. Insane, I know… But what if you’re looking for something a bit different? What if you already speak French and…
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Can Movies and Music Really Help You Learn a Language?

Many reputable authorities on languages and language learning have been stating for countless years that watching foreign language films and listening to music in your target language is a great way to help yourself to learn a new language. But is it actually true that you can learn an entire language from movies and music?…
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6,500 Reasons Why Yours is Not the Hardest Language to Learn

When I was 15 I remember my English grammar teacher in high school in the United States explaining various grammatical concepts such as the colon and semi-colon (a distinction most of us natives still don’t fully grasp). When the class began to struggle he would say very reassuringly not to worry, that we’d get it…
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5 Stupid Things We All Need to Stop Saying About Languages

Having been a member of the online language enthusiast community for a while now I can state confidently that the vast majority of individuals are astoundingly supportive and open minded when it comes to one another, learning and language or culture related sciences. The community as a whole exhibits a high degree of overall intelligence…
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Your Plants Need Watering: A Review of Memrise

It’s 9:30 AM on a Sunday and I’m trying to break a personal record for coffee consumption while regretting staying up as late as I did the night before. Rather than being lulled back to sleep by I look for something to do to entertain my mind while I attempt to drown myself in caffeine.…
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It’s Time to get Realistic About Language Learning

When was the last time someone came to you with the miracle cure for language learning difficulties? The last time someone told you that you could learn a language in a matter of weeks. What about someone telling you about their one simple trick? Don’t be fooled by these claims, and don’t expect a cakewalk.…
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